luni, 24 ianuarie 2011

Atacuri incentria si clicksia

Mesaj acum pe incentria:
Hello members, has been getting attacked by large scale DDOS attacks the past few days, I apologize for the issues and downtime and we should have Incentria back online within 24 hours. Members will be compensated for the downtime.
Sa speram ca nu va dura mult pana la remediere. Ieri aveam $0.9452, iar minimum cashout este la $1. Sper sa va scriu in curand ca am primit bani si de la ei :).

La fel, pe clicksia:
Hello members, has been getting attacked by large scale DDOS attacks the past few days, I apologize for the issues and downtime and we should have Clicksia back online within 24 hours. Members will be compensated for the downtime.

Spor si bani pe net!

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