luni, 11 octombrie 2010

Probleme ifbux?

(pt. palama:) azi am incercat sa intru pe ifbux sa surfez ads si mi-a aparut urmatorul mesaj:

ifBux is currently under maintence
This should be the last downtime you see in a while. It will last less than a day, and when we come back, we'll have a completely fresh, custom script, with awesome new features such as Paid Signups/offers, paid emails, banner advertising, an amazing new design, and most importantly, none of the bugs currently plaguing us.
Here's to a fast, robust, and bug-free ifBux!

We'll see you soon,
-The Management

PS: We'll be extending everybody's rented referrals by 2 days, too, to compensate for the downtime.
Spor si bani pe net!

2 comentarii:

  1. Si eu am avut aceeasi problema zilele astea dar si-a revenit destul de repede intre timp.
    Sper insa sa fie cel putin la fel de serios ca Neobux caci eu unul m-am saturat de cate tepe am luat cu majoritatea PTC-urilor.Ramane de vazut cat de serios va fi acest Ifbux...

  2. @mariusica2010: da, si-a revenit si... azi mi-a dat 7 reclame! cat de serios va fi... we'll wait and see.
    poti share-ui cu mine si cu cititorii acestui blog lista site-urilor pe care ai luat teapa?
    sa nu se friga si altii...


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